My name is Andi. I live with a heart condition called AVNRT (AV Node Re-entrant Tachycardia). We are not sure how long I've truly had this, but my family believes I was born with it even though I was barely diagnosed in 2011.

So I will start with a quick intro, I've never written a blog so I apologize ahead of time if it sounds weird, I think it's weird to talk about myself HAHA!

I had a few fainting episodes growing up which seemed random, but now in retrospect, I had the same exact feeling and warning signs/symptoms as my most recent syncope episode which led to a series of events leading to a diagnosis. I know now that they were all caused by tachycardia and not dehydration like previously believed.

I had a cardiac cryoablation on November 19th, 2011 at Lucille Packard Children's Hospital, a branch of Stanford Univ. Hospital that considered the AVNRT "cured" (a cessation of declined quality of life). I was 19.

Now I am age 22, going on 23.

I am one of the few 2% that regressed after the ablation, and now have had to resume cardiac care.

I'm here to share my story.

I started a bucket list in 2008 and one of the items needing to be checked off of my list is to create my own blog. So here goes nothing!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Once again, you are NOT invincible

I try to keep up with sports, I love baeball, my favorite team being the Braves. I watch football, consider me a die hard Patriots fan, have been since I can remember. I also try to watch hockey, I always watched hockey with my pops when I was a kid, and also got made fun of for being a San Jose fan, cuz the rest of my family liked the Devils and Red Wings.

Today when I was attempting to catch up with my hockey, I found out that one of the Penguins' defencemen, Kris Letang, had suffered a stroke.

This poor kid is only 26 and was suffering with nausea and dizziness for about a week according to the reports I read.

He had an undetected hole in his heart that may have lead to the stroke.

I pray that he has a full recovery and that this doesn't end his career.

I had to give up a full ride softball scholarship after high school in order to have my second ablation done.

I ended my marathon career on an incomplete marathon (19.7 miles to be exact)

I may have to finish my competative derby career and go non-contact and only ref because of my heart.

I would be devastated if he had to end his career. Not because I know him personally, Not because he's famous, but because I know how it feels to give up on something you absolutely dedicate your life to because of a heart complication.

Prayers for #58

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